Save energy. Save money. Be comfy.

Heat the room you’re in, not the whole home.

A Vornado heater in the cool months will keep the room(s) you use most often feeling more comfortable – allowing you to turn down the whole home thermostat.

graphic showing the different floors of a three story house with two colored rooms while the rest are greyed out. A study room is orange with a heater circulation icon to show a heater is being used. The kitchen is blue with a fan circulation icon to show a fan is being used.
Graphic showing Vornado floor fan Whole Room air circulation with blue arrows showing the air circulation in a room.

Circulate all the air.

Unlike ordinary fans, Vornado’s unique Vortex Action creates a powerful flow of cool air that reaches every corner of your room. The superior design creates a high velocity stream of air that circulates throughout your entire space. delivering a constant flow of refreshingly cool air.

Heat the whole room.

A Vornado whole room heater uses special airflow called Vortex Action to heat all the air in the room. The air flows fast, warm and gentle to create a heating experience unlike any other.

Graphic showing a black Vornado heater whole room circulation with orange arrows showing the air circulation in a room.